Alright, so you want to know about the editorial policy of this website. Well, here it goes.

For PRs and marketeers

As you’ve gathered from the strapline, this website is all about chefs, kitchens and restaurants.

This means in the first instance that I don’t review food products, preferring instead to make my own from scratch. Have to put that Leiths Diploma in use some time.

If you’ve browsed through the content on this website then you probably know that there’s no talk of restaurant chains and instead, greater focus on Michelin, World’s 50 Best and international restaurants. In short, fine dining establishments and international flavours. It doesn’t mean I don’t eat casually but rather, I scrutinize over the quality of food I’m being served and I shy away from fads – there’s no dieting here.

But this is great news if you represent chefs or true artisans. For example, I’m particularly interested in restaurant cookbooks and food that can’t be found anywhere else.

If it sounds like it works for you too, you can find all the ways of getting in touch with me on my contact page.

Integrity and disclaimer

The majority of the content on this site are curated as a result of journalism work and often for personal gastronomic curiosity. For assignments, I am sometimes hosted and occasionally allowed expenses. As the content is not exclusive to In Pursuit of Food, I haven’t indicated the instances where I’ve been a guest. And for obvious reasons, I haven’t pointed out when I’ve been eating on my own dime or a plus one.

Where a post is exclusively for In Pursuit of Food however, this is made explicit. Needless to say, my opinions are my own and do not reflect that of my host.

There are no paid-for links on this website but there are affiliate links. That is to say, if you do buy something through an affiliate link, which doesn’t cost you anything more, I will gain a small commission which helps to keep this site ticking along.

There are no sponsored posts, at least at present. But if in the future sponsored materials are posted, they will be cleared marked as such.

The display advertising is served by Google and you can find out more in the section on Privacy Policy.