Pouring jam into jars, jam making with Vivien Lloyd

Blackcurrant and chilli jam recipe

Recipe from jam making with Vivien Lloyd.

This jam can be made from fresh or frozen black currants. Add 10% more black currants if they are frozen. Defrost them before cooking. Use Chocolate Habaneros for this recipe or Scotch Bonnets.

Makes about 2.25kg(5lb)

Pouring jam into jars, jam making with Vivien LloydIngredients:

1kg (2lb) black currants
852ml (1½ pints) water
1.4kg (3lb) sugar
1 Habanero Chilli


  1. Using a fork, remove the currants from their strings. Pick the fruit over and take out any stray leaves. Place the currants in a large preserving pan with the water. Bruise the chilli with a rolling pin and tie it up in a small piece of muslin and add this to the pan.
  2. Simmer the fruit very gently until tender (25–30 minutes). Warm the sugar in an ovenproof bowl in a low oven, 140°C (275°F/Gas 1).
  3. Remove the sugar from the oven. Squeeze the liquid from the muslin bag back into the pan by pressing it against the side of the pan with a spoon. Stir the liquid into the pan. Discard the muslin bag.
  4. Add the sugar to the preserving pan and stir until it has dissolved. Bring the jam quickly to a rolling boil and boil hard until setting point is reached.
  5. Test for a set after 5 minutes using the flake, cold plate or thermometer test. As soon as setting point is reached, remove the pan from the heat and leave it to stand for a few minutes. Push any scum from the surface of the pan to the side and remove it with a metal spoon.
  6. Gently stir the jam and pour it into clean warm jars, up to the brim. Seal immediately either with new twist-top lids or waxed discs and cellophane covers secured with rubber bands. If using cellophane covers, apply them when the jam is cold in the jars.

This recipe is an adaptation of the blackcurrant jam recipe from Vivien Lloyd’s First Preserves.

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