New mackerel, lightly smoked with asparagus, dandelion, maple flower, sour cream sauce, Gastrologik, Stockholm

Gastrologik, Stockholm, dinner

Menu from dinner at the Michelin-starred no-menu restaurant Gastrologik in Sweden with food by Jacob Holmström and Anton Bjuhr:

Fine potato chips, pine, juniper, mushrooms

Bread to share, goats cheese with herbs

Meringue, chicken liver, pickled apple

Quail’s egg with soya

Raw and sliced mushroom, butter fried yeast

Reindeer blood bread, dried reindeer, lingonberry, roe

Veal tartare, cress and cress cream granita, oyster sauce

Charred langoustine, pickled and raw kohl rabi

Spring onion, baked in butter, deep fried roots, leaves, lardo

New mackerel, lightly smoked with asparagus, dandelion, maple flower, sour cream sauce

Veal steak, nettle sauce, butter jus, wild garlic flowers

Pre-dessert – spruce granita, apple and lingonberry

Sorrel sorbet, juniper meringue, charred pickled cucumber, sorrel leaves

Cream cheese, whey, cheesecake

Panama coffee

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