Hot pears with Roquefort and walnuts recipe

This is a recipe from the Michel Roux Jr and Bordeaux wine partnership

Pears, like apples, go well with lots of cheese because of their sweet and sour taste. This recipe could be eaten as a starter or a cheese course.

Serves 2

Hot Pears with Roquefort & WalnutsIngredients:

2 ripe pears, Williams or Passe-Crassane
120g Roquefort cheese, crumbled into pieces
60g walnuts, roughly chopped
1 tbsp crème fraîche
1 tbsp port
1 spring onion, sliced
Salt and pepper


  1. Take the pears and cut in half lengthways.
  2. Remove the seeds and core, then carefully scoop out some of the flesh without splitting the skin. This should leave you with 4 boats.
  3. Roughly chop the pear flesh and add to the crumbled cheese with the walnuts.
  4. Fold in the crème fraîche, port, spring onion and seasoning.
  5. Fill the boats and bake for 5 minutes to an oven at 180°C until brown.

My Bordeaux Wine Pick: Premières Côtes de Bordeaux

For this dish I would recommend a Premières Côtes de Bordeaux. It’s a much lighter style of sweet wine than Sauternes with delicious aromas and flavours of lemon sherbet. If you haven’t yet experienced the delight in your mouth when you drink sweet wine with salty Roquefort cheese, I urge you to give it a try.

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