
#HOTGV Episode Seven: On coffee with James Hoffmann

For this episode of Heard on the Grape Vine, I spoke to James Hoffmann, founder and CEO of Square Mile Coffee.

James Hoffmann Square Mile Coffee

I met James at the London Coffee Festival earlier this year where I attended one of his tutored tasting sessions. As a coffee enthusiast, I was excited to learn about the terroir potential of coffee.

Keen to learn more, I headed to their roastery in East London for this podcast. There, over a fresh brew of filtered coffee, we talked about this stimulating drink.

roasters Square Mile Coffee

I think what surprised me was that even amidst all the coffee geekery, James was impressively level-headed about the business side of things.

Yes, there are many interesting things we could learn and do with coffee but no matter how much we are in pursuit of a fine product, at the end of the day, it is a commercial entity.

So join us now as we discuss this business of coffee.

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Photographs C/O James Hoffmann

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