Roast langoustines with miso, coffee, grilled pineapple and Szechuan pepper

Roast langoustines with miso, coffee, grilled pineapple and Szechuan pepper recipe

Phil Howard at Nespresso boutique

Roast langoustines with miso, coffee, grilled pineapple and Szechuan pepperIngredients:

30 extra-large langoustine tails, peeled and raw. Or large peeled, raw prawns
400ml white miso
400ml BBQ dressing – see below
200ml serving of Nespresso Finezzo Lungo
1 large raw pineapple
2 limes, juice and zest – separate
1 punnet coriander cress
4 ripe avocados
1 tbsp. vegetable oil Szechuan peppercorns

For the BBQ dressing:

70g Dijon mustard
140g honey
100ml light soy sauce
100ml tomato ketchup
100ml vegetable oil
1 chilli, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
40g ginger, very finely grated
200ml orange juice
2 oranges, zest


To make the BBQ dressing:

  1. To make the BBQ dressing, place all the ingredients into a large bowl and whisk thoroughly to combine.
  2. Take 400ml of the BBQ dressing and whisk it together with the miso.
  3. Add the coffee, whisk again and pour onto the langoustines or prawns.
  4. Set aside in the fridge, covered, to marinate for 12 hours.

To make the avocado purée:

  1. To make the avocado purée, peel the avocados, place them into a food processor add the lime juice and a generous pinch of salt and blend to a smooth purée.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and set aside covered in the fridge.

To make the grilled pineapple:

  1. Cut the skin off the pineapple, slice it into 10 slices and remove the core from the centre of each slice with an apple corer.
  2. Brush the pineapple with the oil, grate the lime zest evenly over the slices and using a pepper mill, grind the Szechuan pepper over the slices.
  3. Place the pineapple under a hot grill and cook until the edges start to blacken.
  4. Set aside at room temperature.

To serve:

Drain any excess marinade from the langoustines. Place two large heavy based frying pans over a high heat and leave for one minute. Divide the langoustine tails between the two pans and sauté for one minute. Place the pans under a hot grill and grill for a further two minutes. Remove from the grill, and simply serve the langoustines with some avocado purée, a small green salad and the grilled pineapple.

Garnish with the coriander cress. This dish should be served warm, not hot.

Find more recipes from Phil Howard in The Square: Savoury: 1 and The Square: Sweet: 2.

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