Curry dulce de fruitas, hierbas y coco (sweet fruits curry, herbs and coconut), Ricard Camarena, Valencia

Ricard Camarena restaurant, Valencia, lunch

Menu from a lunch at the Michelin-starred Ricard Camarena restaurant with food by the chef (rough English translations bold and in brackets):

Canapé de anguila ahumada y cacau del “collaret” (canapé of smoked eel and Valencian peanuts on toasted brioche with a cacao “necklace”)

Infusión de pepino y calamar (spicy squid and cucumber cold infusion)

Pan ecológico (organic bread)

Cintas de cebolla mantecadas en un jugo de anchoa, café y ajo negro (onion string, anchovy croutons, coffee and black garlic)

Marinado “express” de mero de arpón, mandarina y perejil (marinated grouper with mandarin and parsley)

Ostra Valenciana, aguacate y horchata de galanga (Valencian oyster, avocado and ginger “horchata”)

Judias bobby de alginet templadas, cebolletas y judo de tomate al palo cortado (warm green “Bobby” beans, flamed spring onion and salted tomato jus with palo cortado)

Cigalas del mediterráneo, calabacín, albahaca y fruta de la pasión (Mediterranean crayfish, courgette, basil and passionfruit jus)

Caballa glaseada, berenjena asada a la llama, pimienta negra y limón (Glazed mackerel, grilled aubergine, black pepper and lemon)

Arroz de bonito a la brasa (charcoal grilled tuna rice)

Curry dulce de fruitas, hierbas y coco (sweet fruits curry, herbs and coconut)

Cerezas rellenas de almendra, yogur y eucalipto (cherries stuffed with almonds, yoghurt and eucalyptus)

Qin Xie

Qin Xie is a London based food, wine and travel journalist and trained chef.

When not infiltrating Michelin restaurants as a kitchen tourist, she writes about food, drink and travel. Her work has appeared on Yahoo, FT, The Times and CNN.

Her first cookbook, co-authored with YS Peng at Hunan Restaurant, is out March 2014.

According to friends, her watch is always set to UTC -- ready for the next big adventure. In reality, she is happiest at the dinner table or by the sea.


  1. […] Ricard Camarena restaurant, Valencia, lunch […]

  2. […] night before I went to Azurmendi for a six-hands dinner with Eneko Atxa, Andre Chiang and Ricard Camarena. Chiang presented a couple of dishes but in the large part, the idea he wanted to share was about […]

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