De Vitrine, Ghent, Belgium, dinner
Menu from a dinner at De Vitrine (casual dining concept of the one Michelin-starred In De Wulf’s Kobe Desramaults) in Ghent, Belgium (rough English translations bold and in brackets) (Read my food picks from Ghent here):
[terrine of jellied pig’s head, gherkins, mustard, bread]
Kropsla, venusschelp, weisaus (lettuce, Venus clams, weisaus)
Gerookte kuit, koolrabi, dragon (Smoked roe, kohlrabi, tarragon)
Varkenswang, ingelegde look, romeinse sla (Pig’s cheeks, pickled garlic, romaine lettuce)
Witte chocolade, eidooier, zuring (White chocolate, egg yolk, sorrel)