Cucumber leaf tips and sweet corn soup, Vegan Restaurant, Chengdu

Weigen Vegan Restaurant, Chengdu, dinner

Menu from a banquet dinner at the Tibetan Buddhism themed vegan restaurant Weigen Vegan Restaurant (维根素食) in Chengdu, Sichuan:

Cucumber salad

Spicy broad beans

Lettuce leaves with satay dip

Okra in vinegar

Soft tofu with chilli

Stuffed, fried aubergines with pea sauce

Cucumber leaf tips and sweet corn soup

Spicy tofu

Seasonal greens with ginko beans

Creamy mushroom soup

Fried tofu

Almond coated sweet potatoes

Tofu and seaweed “fish”

Wonton in enoki soup

Spicy bamboo tips

I’m no fan of vegetarian food but I was really impressed with the offering at Weigen, which was a vegan restaurant.

The chef was surprisingly inventive with ways to make tofu look like fish and give bamboo shoots the texture of tripe.

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