Brillat savarin cheesecake with a coffee crust and apricot glaze

Brillat Savarin cheesecake with a coffee crust and apricot glaze recipe

Phil Howard at Nespresso boutique

Brillat savarin cheesecake with a coffee crust and apricot glazeIngredients:

For the base:

35g caster sugar
35g demerara sugar
35g plain flour
35g ground almonds
60g unsalted butter
2 capsules of Nespresso Volluto grounds

For the cheesecake:

650g fresh Brillat Savarin or cream cheese
100ml double cream
100g caster sugar
1 vanilla pod
1 orange, lemon and lime – zest only
3 eggs
2 yolks

For the glaze:

200ml apricot coulis
1 leaf gelatine


To make the base:

  1. To make the base place the sugars, flour, almonds, the Nespresso Volluto grounds and 35g of the butter into an electric mixer set with a paddle, and mix to an even crumb.
  2. Transfer to a baking tray and bake in an oven pre-heated to 160ºC until golden – stirring every five minutes.
  3. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool completely. Transfer to a food processor and blend to a very fine crumb. Add the remaining butter, melted, and briefly blend to mix.
  4. Pour the mix into a tart ring and press the crumb down to compact it into an even layer. Place in the oven, bake for 5 minutes and set aside to cool.

To make the cheesecake:

  1. Place all of the cheesecake ingredients into a blender (in two batches if necessary) and blend to a smooth homogenous mix.
  2. Pour onto the cheesecake base and transfer to an oven pre-heated to 110ºC and cook for 1 hour or until the liquid mix has just set. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool.
  3. Warm the apricot coulis, soak the gelatine in cold water until soft, lift it out, squeeze out any excess moisture and dissolve it in the coulis.
  4. Pour it carefully onto the surface of the cheesecake and transfer to the fridge to set.
  5. Once set, take the cheesecake out of the mould and cut into portions as required.

To serve:

Unwrap the ribs, brush them all on both sides with marinade and return to the oven – pre-heated to 180ºC. Turn after 5 minutes. After a further 5 minutes, remove from the oven, brush with more marinade and continue this process until the ribs are hot, caramelised and coated in a rich sticky glaze.

Serve with baked potato and sour cream and chives or a chicory salad.

Find more recipes from Phil Howard in The Square: Savoury: 1 and The Square: Sweet: 2.

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