Submarino, Valencia, lunch
Menu from a lunch at the “underwater” Submarino restaurant in the City of Arts and Sciences‘s Oceanogràfic in Valencia:
[olive and anchovy starter]
Mozarella de búfala con tartar de aguacate, salsa ácida con yuzu y ensaladita de rúcula (buffalo mozzarella with avocado tartar, sour sauce with yuzu and little salad of rocket)
Navajas al vapor con vinagreta de verduras y un toque picante (razor clams steamed with vegetables vinaigrette and a spicy touch)
Arroz Meloso de Pato con Boletus (wet rice with duck and boletus mushroom)
Helado de yogurt griego con mousse de gianduja negra y bizcocho especiado (Greek yogurt ice cream with black gianduja chocolate mousse and spiced sponge)