The Billionaire’s Vinegar by Benjamin Wallace

The Book The Billionaire’s Vinegar: The Mystery of the World’s Most Expensive Bottle of Wine

The Author Benjamin Wallace is a journalist based in Brooklyn, New York

The Publisher Crown

The Release date 13th May 2008 (first edition)

Who’s it for? Anyone with an interest in fine wines, wine auctions, history of the fine wine market, Thomas Jefferson and stories based around wine.

What you’ll find inside Anecdotes on the most expensive single bottle of wine sold at auction, examinine whether the wine was faked.

What’s missing Although written in plain English, you won’t find a dumming down of terms so best brush up on your basic wine knowledge.

The best bit It’s an instant insight into a key event in wine history and a snapshot of the who’s who of wine today.

The Price (RRP) $14.95

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