Salmon mousse, Domaine Gayda, Brugairolles

Domaine Gayda, Brugairolles, set lunch

Menu from a set lunch at the restaurant of Domaine Gayda, Brugairolles, with a weekly changing selection of dishes (with a choice of two starters, two mains and two desserts available) and wines included:

Salmon mousse on sourdough toast

Bravette steak with roast potatoes and red wine jus

Apple croustillant with Crème Anglaise

The lunch at Domaine Gayda is simple and rustic.

Created for their ability to pair with the wines on the estate, the food is wholesome and hearty. The steak in particular, was well-cooked and well-seasoned.

I’m not sure about the dessert though. It resembled a little too much of a spring roll.

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