Plating up, foraging with Sami Tallberg, Helsinki

Sami Tallberg Finnish foraging lunch

Menu from a lunch at Ravintola Grotesk in Helsinki, Finland, with chef Sami Tallberg creating dishes out of foraged and wild ingredients (with wild ingredients in brackets):

Sparkling birch sap

Salad of Brussels sprouts, Finnish “ricotta” and wild herbs with pine needle dressing

(scots pine, garlic mustard, wood sorrel, sheeps’ sorrel, common sorrel, dandelion, orpine, wall lettuce)

Sea pike-perch with wild mushrooms and polypody jus

(pike-perch, yellow leg chanterelles, girolles, common polypody)

Angelica posset with sea buckthorn and bee pollen

(Garden angelica, sea buckthorns, bee pollen, Japanese rose petals, pansy flowers)

Chaga tea

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