Steamed giant grouper, scallion, light soy sauce, Sofitel Gala, Sofitel Legends People's Grand, Xian

Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel, Xian, gala dinner

Menu from the gala dinner to launch Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel in Xian, China (with English translations in brackets and in bold):

冰镇海鲜拼 (Assorted seafood on ice – Baby lobster, scallops, live oyster, salmon roe, tuna, yellow tail and salmon)

摩洛哥风味开胃菜 (Moroccan mezzeh selection – Tabbouleh, hummus and Fatayer Sebanikh)

花旗参菊花炖双鸡 (Double-boiled soup of chicken and frog with American Ginseng and chrysanthemum)

清蒸龙趸斑 (Steamed giant grouper, scallion, light soy sauce)

澳大利亚牛肉三重奏 (Australian beef trio – Roasted beef tenderloin, port wine demi-glace, pan fried beef tongue on fruit compote, braised beef short ribs on celeriac puree)

经典意大利甜品荟萃 (Dolce vita – Tiramisu, anacaprese, semifreddo)

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