Fairview La Beryl Blanc 2012

Fairview La Beryl Blanc 2012

Fairview La Beryl Blanc 2012The wine: Fairview La Beryl Blanc 2012

The producer: Fairview www.fairview.co.za

They say: Fairview La Beryl, a traditional handcrafted straw wine, personifies the quintessence of grape. The grapes were carefully handharvested into small baskets and transferred to an old barn where they were delicately laid out on beds of straw to desiccate. Eventually the bunches lost about 75% of their volume, intensifying flavour and sweetness. The grapes were gently pressed and the juice fermented in French oak barrels. La Beryl is an opulent and concentrated wine, with a rich balance of fruit and spice flavours.

We say: The intensity of this wine is immediate with a rush of complex sweetness coating the palate with its unctuousness. Sultana comes to mind first, lightly bolstered by a slight floral note from the Muscat in the blend. The well-structured back bone comes later with the refreshing acidity of the Chenin Blanc.

Try with: Pear crumble and clotted cream

Price (RRP): ~£14

Available from: The Drink Shop

Additional notes:

Chinese tasting notes and food match

品酒笔记: 这个高浓度的甜酒马上带来多层次的口感。最先是葡萄干的味道。之后有一些由Muscat葡萄带来的花香和Chenin Blanc葡萄的高酸度。整体平衡。

中餐搭配: 咸鸭蛋

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