Ice shreds, scarlet shrimp perfume, Mugaritz, Errenteria

Mugaritz, Errenteria, dinner

Menu from a dinner at the two Michelin-starred Mugaritz, one of the World’s Best Restaurants, in Errenteria, San Sebastian:

“Fishbones” with nuances of lemon, garlic and cayenne pepper

Edible stones

Smoked toast, 100% lobster

Red amaranth raceme with sesame powder

Tendon, derives from Latin tendere “to stretch”; honey mead, yolks and dipping ash

Carrots and their smeared flowers

Ice shreds, scarlet shrimp perfume

Tanned lobster flesh and fermented rice

Grilled steak “tartar” with roe of bream

Threads of crab with vegetable mucilage, macadamias and pink peppercorns

Poultry juice with tofu

Loin of hake, tiger nut starch and concentrated clam juice

Poultry Royale, game of Astragals Royale

Textures of coastal fish

The cow and the grass

Chippings of puffed lamb, caramel coat

Grilled sponge cake and baked curd

Frozen almond turron

Glass, sugar and cocoa as a cookie

Mocha in its lightest version

Roasted peach and “Rock tea”

Edible paper of leaves and flowers








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