Chairs, Tian Yuan Yin Xiang, Chengdu

Tian Yuan Yin Xiang, Chengdu, lunch

Menu from a lunch at the Hua Yang branch of the rural themed Tian Yuan Yin Xiang (Farmland Impression – 田园印象) in Chengdu, Sichuan:

Steamed pan bread

Spicy jelly noodles

Lotus leaf steamed beef

Pumpkin soup

Sweet corn bread

Old tofu

Twice cooked pork

Rabbit with giant spring onions

Enoki mushroom soup

Tian Yuan Yin Xiang, another themed restaurant, is based on the style of food that’s typical on rural farms. The basis is that the ingredients a natural and unadulterated and the cooking is not very sophisticated.

But the food, though simple, is perfectly delicious. And if anything, they’re made deliberately rustic.

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