Coffee glazed short rib of beef with creamed potato and roasted carrots

Coffee glazed short rib of beef with creamed potato and roasted carrots recipe

Phil Howard at Nespresso boutique

Coffee glazed short rib of beef with creamed potato and roasted carrotsIngredients:

1 rack of beef short ribs (ask butcher to cut down the middle to give bones approximately 12cm long)
200ml serving of Nespresso Fortissio Lungo
1 chilli, cut into slices
2 cloves garlic, smashed with a heavy knife
200ml maple syrup
200g ginger, finely grated and juice squeezed out in muslin (i.e. juice only)
10 medium organic carrots, peeled and cut in half
10 large baking potatoes

For the onion ketchup:

5 Spanish onions, peeled and very finely sliced
150ml light soy sauce
200ml runny honey
100ml Cabernet Sauvignon vinegar
50ml vegetable oil


For the onion ketchup:

  1. To make the onion ketchup place the oil into a large pan and set it over a high heat. Add the onions, a generous pinch of salt and cook, stirring frequently until the onions are caramelised, soft and golden.
  2. Add the soy, vinegar and honey and cook until completely evaporated – leaving a rich dark brown sticky sauce in the pan.
  3. Transfer this to a blender and blend to a smooth rich purée.
  4. Transfer to a bowl, cover with cling film and set aside.

For the ribs:

  1. Mix the onion ketchup with all of the remaining ingredients except the ribs and whisk to thoroughly combine.
  2. Place the ribs into a medium baking tray, pour over the marinade, thoroughly coat the ribs and set aside to marinate for 5 hours.
  3. Lift the ribs out of the marinade, reserving any that remains in the tray and wrap the ribs carefully in foil.
  4. Place in an oven pre-heated to 100ºC and cook for 8 hours – at which point the meat should fall away from the bone.
  5. Meanwhile place 10 large baking potatoes in to bake in an oven at 180ºC for 90 minutes. Remove from the oven, cut the potatoes in half, push the potato flesh through a fine drum sieve or potato ricer and beat in enough butter and milk to yield a rich, smooth creamed potato. Set aside until required.
  6. Place the carrots into a large roasting tray, dot some diced butter over the surface, season with salt, pepper and a sprinkling of sugar and roast in an oven pre-heated to 180ºC for 20-25 minutes or until the carrots are golden brown all over. Set aside warm.

To serve:

Remove the ribs from the oven, open the foil, transfer them to a baking tray, tip over any leftover marinade and any juices from the pouch, and place the ribs under the grill. Grill until all of the marinade has reduced to a sticky, dark glaze.

Serve immediately with a spoonful of creamed potato, two pieces of roasted carrot and residual glaze.

Find more recipes from Phil Howard in The Square: Savoury: 1 and The Square: Sweet: 2.

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